Leela Maria Voice Studio offers singing lessons and voice therapy both virtually and in person for all clients. In person lessons are conducted in Los Angeles. Through a complete understanding of the vocal apparatus and instrument, students gain vocal strength through simplified musical exercises and the study of repertoire, which can range from classical/opera, pop, jazz, gospel, to musical theater, dependent on the student’s interests.

Through understanding the capacities of your voice, there is no better way to understand yourself. Trained operatically with experience singing internationally and as an active singer, I am currently pursuing my Doctorate of Musical Arts in Voice with the University of California-Los Angeles, and have my Master of Music and Professional Studies Certificate in Vocal Performance from the Manhattan School of Music. My Bachelor of Arts is from UCLA in Vocal Performance and Art History, and I have a several years of experience teaching.

Voice therapy is also offered to clients suffering from vocal fatigue or injury, or for those that want to improve the strength of their speaking voice. Sessions are focused towards the fundamentals of vocal health: precise vocal cord closure and exercises which improve laryngeal strength.

Interested in more information? Email LeelaSubramaniam@Gmail.com or book a session and I will reach out to you:


Over the course of just a few months, I feel as though I’ve made leaps and bounds studying vocals with noticeable progress marks being reached very frequently under the guidance of Leela. Her experience and undeniably great ear for the world of opera and classical singing is very apparent as she has helped me tweak everything from pronunciation, timing, dynamics, breath, technique as well as anything under the umbrella of singing. I’ve personally had a host of many music teachers both private and from school in choirs, concert bands, marching bands, Orchestra, piano, and guitar over the years and I really can’t say that any of my former teachers/directors have come close to the level of attention to detail and expertise Leela has brought to my craft. She is truly a gem that I’m so glad I’ve found.
— Eli, student
I came in having zero lesson experience and never sang outside of social karaoke. I was always curious in learning the science and technique behind voice and how to control my voice better and I was so lucky to find Leela as my voice teacher! She teaches my fiancee as well (who is on a different level of voice lessons than me as he has had them in the past). It really highlights Leela’s teaching capability of going to our respective levels. She always encourages me to step out of my comfort zone and I have gone a long way from my first lesson with her. She’s the best! Would definitely recommend if you’re just starting out or if you have some knowledge in your back pocket. No matter where you are in your voice journey, she’ll be there to help you reach your greatest potential!
— Jessica