"Leela Subramaniam gave a memorable performance as Thaïs on December 5. More impressive even than her gleaming, pitch-perfect soprano was her complete, internalized understanding of her character. Everything about her changed when she made the transition from courtesan to penitent: her body language, her demeanor, her gestures. One of her most arresting moments was purely non-vocal. During the famous 'Meditation,' played with exquisite, quivering beauty by concertmaster Christina Bouey, Subramaniam revealed the vulnerability lurking beneath the surface of her confident, powerful sensuality as she moved from rage to desperation to acceptance." - Opera News

"Soprano Leela Subramaniam ... sailed through Angelica's coloratura and high notes with steely accuracy and glee and portrayed the character's narcissistic nymphomania with vocal assurance." - Opera News

"Leela Subramaniam, a soprano, proved even more touching as Angelica, especially when contemplating suicide as a way to rejoin Medoro, missing and presumed dead. Ms. Subramaniam's lovely tone retained its luster even when taxed to the full in arduous, altitudinous vocal flights." - New York Times

"As Angelica, Leela Subramaniam displayed an impressive young voice that flew fearlessly into the high tessitura of the part, singing Haydn's athletic vocal lines with agility and grace." - Superconductor 

"Leela Subramaniam had the prima donna role of Angelica of Cathay, unhappy object of Orlando's attentions, a part that included one and half suicide attempts and much vocal display. Her sound has more body, more distinction, than many young sopranos." - Parterre 

"The role of Adina's friend Gianetta isn't a large one, but the character's voice is prominent in the opening crowd scene. Soprano Leela Subramaniam (a Gerdine Young Artist) makes a powerful first impression in that number, with a big voice that soars effortlessly over the top of the chorus. The libretto doesn't give her much to work with in creating a character, but Ms. Subramaniam has found a charmingly coquettish woman in there nevertheless." -  KDHX independent music 

"As Giannetta, Adina’s gossipy sidekick, soprano Leela Subramaniam displayed a dark and supple voice with a fine range, while looking altogether gorgeous." - St. Louis Today 

"Another standout is Leela Subramaniam, a soprano who possesses a voice of remarkable clarity and richness in the role of Giannetta." - Riverfront Times

"In the supporting role of Giannetta, Leela Subramaniam brightens the stage with her luscious soprano and sunny presence." - Chicago Tribune

"Leela Subramaniam, soprano, exuded confidence and power almost toying with the audience with her impressive range and she knew she had them in her power. Such beauty and depth in her rendition of “Caro Nome” from Verdi’s Rigoletto." - The Windsor Square